In Memoriam: Brian Tramontana

On October 14, 2016, our group's founder, Brian Tramontana passed away. His sudden death has shocked and saddened us all.
Brian taught photography at West Valley College in Saratoga, California for the past decade. One of Brian's mottos to his students and for Maverick Photographers was to "go change the world". I always interpreted that lofty goal to mean "go make meaningful photographs that will have an impact on the world". While he may have literally meant that, Brian really did change the world by affecting so many students and colleages. His kindness, compassion, and encouragement helped so many find their photographic vision along with a new way of seeing life. The outpouring of love and sadness on his Facebook page after his death attest to the deep impact he had on us all.
Brian was not just a teacher; he was an active photographer and always had his camera with him. His photographic style (and gear) markedly changed in the ten years I knew him, yet he seemed to be a master of all genres. His images range from street, documentary, portraits, studio, landscapes, abstracts, and travel. In recent years, he loved shooting Blues musicians with his Leica Noctilux lens. He was also able to travel to some exotic international destinations for philanthropic work and family visits. The images on this page were curated from hundreds of photos he shared with our Maverick Photographers group.
Brian was the glue that held our photographic community together and he will be sorely missed.
–Annette LeMay Burke, October 2016