Agnieszka Jakubowicz


I first picked-up a camera some 20 years ago. First time I think it was a Zeiss or maybe a Leica at an after-school workshop. Soon after, I convinced my dad to buy me a used Pentax SLR. I loved taking pictures during my high school years and even did my time in a darkroom. But then college happened, then grad school and a career in high tech, and in the meantime, the Digital Revolution. During that time, I felt that something had always been missing but I have never been a person to do things half-way. Finally in 2011 I decided the wait was over and that if I am going to do it, it’s going to be serious. I cashed in my savings, bought the best camera I could afford and decided to give it 100%. Starting this journey was the best decision I have ever made. The joy of learning, creating, sharing with other like-minded people, the self-discovery as an artist, the geeky fun of playing with techy toys and software, and the pride of accomplishment makes photography one of the most rewarding and fun parts of my life.

I believe that we are constantly evolving in our lives – whether due to changing influences or different life experiences. In addition, I see a great value in experimentation and discovery. For those reasons I hesitate to classify myself as a photographer of one thing or another with this or that style. That being said I do see a common thread in my work and in the subject/moods I am being drawn to. I depict the harmony of shapes and composition; I embrace the static and orderly nature of an image that gives me feeling of calm and balance. Possibly a reaction to chaotic and disorderly nature of our lives, a longing for the perfect world . . . but that’s for the viewers to decide.

More Info

Instagram: @agnieszka.jakubowicz or @my_solitudes
Facebook: Agnieszka Jakubowicz Photography
Houzz: Agnieszka Jakubowicz Photography